Milano Mannequins Super Models – A Pictorial

In Milano Italy, you cannot help but notice all the mannequins, super models and other evidence of the Fashion Industry.

Milano Mannequins Super Models

The gold trolley passes the Arch of Peace

It’s not as gorgeous a city as Rome or Nice. It’s more industrial. But it is historical, too. Any proper tour in Milan will take you past arches, cathedrals, statues and shop windows.  Lots and lots of shop windows. With lots and lots of mannequins that sport some of the wonderful fashions for which Milan is world renowned.

A Model Tour Guide

Our time in Milan was special as our friend, Nicol, was both a high fashion model with great connections and a wonderful tour guide.  She was also one of the best drivers we’ve had the privilege to ride along with.  She pointed out how slow drivers in the fast lane on the Italian highways were an anomaly.  (Why can’t American drivers get a clue?)

Nicol took us to several wonderful spots in Milano.

Milano shopping district

The Milano shopping district

The shopping district is a mix of old and new buildings.  We noticed lots of bicycles.

Milano Mannequins Super Models

Featureless mannequins and art backdrop

The mannequins in the shop windows are always treated artistically.

Milano Mannequins Super Models

Fashion ad with Reflection of Buildings in Curved Window

One of my favorite photos to take involves reflections.  I like the playfulness of what’s in the window with what is reflected there, depending on where the sunlight is coming from.  This shot reveals the juxtaposition between ancient and modern; between a soft, curvy woman and hard-edged building facades.

Milan Mannequins Super Models

Nicol wearing a Lamp Hat, downtown Milan

Nicol is a high-fashion model who knows just how to wear a Lamp Hat in the right way!

Milano Mannequins Super Models

Beautiful women in the shopping district of Milano

Nicol knows all the best places to go and have fun.

Milano Mannequins Super Models

Faceless Mannequins in shop window Milan


Mannequin wearing red orange pantsuit in a Milan shop window

Mannequin wearing red orange pantsuit in a Milan shop window

I love this red-orange color and pantsuit.  It reminds me of the 70’s


Milano knotted thread scupture

Sculpture of knotted thread in center of Milan with water fountains

Let’s face it:  Milano is a fashionista-walker’s paradise.  Check out the knotted thread (or yarn) sculpture surrounded by gushing water fountains.  Quite a distinctive piece of art in the city of fashion.

Patty Mooney is a VP, Video Producer, Sound Technician, Teleprompter Operator and Video Editor at San Diego’s award-winning video production company, Crystal Pyramid Productions.